PBS 4 Months Ago February 19, 2024 us

Breaking the News US Release Date

The movie Breaking the News is already released on PBS in the USA.

Release Dates

Report Date / Submit ProductReport Date / Submit Product
February 19, 2024Confirmed
Breaking the News cover art


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Breaking the News


Motivated by the lack of representation of women and people of color in media, and the predominance of white men in newsrooms, a group of determined women and LGBTQ+ journalists united in 2020 to challenge the norm. They founded The 19th* News in Austin, Texas. This digital news startup draws its name from the 19th Amendment, which granted voting rights to women, but includes an asterisk to signify the exclusion of Black women and women of color from this right. The ethos of The 19th* is symbolized by this asterisk, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity and a focus on those often overlooked in mainstream narratives.

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