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Who We Are Now Cinema UK Release Date

The movie Who We Are Now upcoming Cinema release date in the UK is to be announced.

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5 reviews

Recently released from prison, Beth (Julianne Nicholson) works with her public defender to get her son back from her sister who was awarded legal custody when she was incarcerated. As she navigates her way back into the outside world, Beth falls into a romantic fling with a traumatized Marine afraid of human connection and at the same time forms an unlikely alliance with a headstrong young woman (Emma Roberts) on the public defense team who decides to take on her cause whether Beth likes it or not. These two people challenge, and eventually crack, Beth's tough exterior, making her realize that who she is isn't about where she's been, it's about where she's going.

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What do the critics say?

Based on 5 Who We Are Now Cinema reviews, Who We Are Now gets an average Cinema review score of 81. The score for all versions is 81 based on a total of 5 reviews.
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