Cinema 7 Years Ago September 30, 2016 us

Milton's Secret Cinema US Release Date

The movie Milton's Secret is already released on Cinema in the USA.

Release Dates

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September 30, 2016Confirmed
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3 reviews

Milton Adams is stressed. It's no picnic being 11 years old in a world that is growing more uncertain every day. Milton's mom and dad argue every night as their careers and financial security unravel around them. Milton's whole community feels in crisis and to top it off, he is tormented by the neighborhood bully. When his Grandpa comes to visit, Milton discovers that rehashing bad experiences and worrying about the future only makes things worse. With a little practice, Milton learns his Grandpa's secret for coping with a world in crisis: most things have a surprising way of working out when you flow with the power of now. Milton's Secret is a thought-provoking family film based on the story by acclaimed spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now and A New Earth) and Robert Friedman. Directed by Barnet Bain, Milton's Secret is the first of Tolle's work to be exhibited as a feature film.

What do the critics say?

Based on 3 Milton's Secret Cinema reviews, Milton's Secret gets an average Cinema review score of 50. The score for all versions is 50 based on a total of 3 reviews.
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