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Ghost House Cinema UK Release Date

The movie Ghost House upcoming Cinema release date in the UK is to be announced.

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2 reviews

A young couple, Jim and Julie, are vacationing in Thailand where Julie falls in love withphotographing small shrines called "Ghost Houses" that are believed to give spirits shelter and comfort. A couple of British travelers take them into the countryside with the promise of showing Jim and Julie a ghost house graveyard where many of the shrines are discarded. After leaving the graveyard with a souvenir, Julie is increasingly plagued by visits from a malevolent spirit that threatens both her sanity and her life. After Julie is literally frozen in a state of terror, Jim must find a way to lift the curse before he loses Julie to the ghost world forever.

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screenshot, photoshoot or press material
screenshot, photoshoot or press material
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What do the critics say?

Based on 2 Ghost House Cinema reviews, Ghost House gets an average Cinema review score of 25. The score for all versions is 25 based on a total of 4 reviews.
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