expected July 1, 2014 9 Years Ago us

Backstab: A Political and Strategic Live-action Card Game First Edition US Release Date

The boardgames Backstab: A Political and Strategic Live-action Card Game is already released on First Edition in the USA.

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First Edition
July 1, 2014Expected
Backstab: A Political and Strategic Live-action Card Game cover art
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Backstab: A Political and Strategic Live-action Card Game


Backstab, A hybrid between a card game and a live action role-playing game, set in a medieval royal court torn apart by conspiracies. Backstab is a game of politics without mercy, made of secret plots and double dealings. You are assuming within it the role of a Character who will have to interact and negotiate with other influential actors of this universe with the purpose of furthering your interests and ultimately, winning enough Victory Points to declare yourself victorious. "A live action role-playing card game?!" Backstab is a unique type of game, an hybrid between a card and live action role-playing game, meant to be played not seated around a table, but in a room in your house, or even a public place like a bar for instance.

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