Final Trailer for War For The Planet of the Apes 

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War, hey. What is it good for? Well, a damned good teaser for one as the final trailer for War For the Planet of the Apes swings in.  

Directed once again by Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes' Matt Reeves from a script he wrote with Mark Bomback, War sees Caesar dealing with tragedy before hitting the road to find a new home for his battle weary clan. Needless to say, it won’t be an easy journey for Andy Serkis’ troubled chimp leader either physically or mentally. And that’s without the human military complex pressing down on ape society in the form of a formidable new commander known as The Colonel (Woody Harrelson), who will sacrifice the very soul of humanity to ensure its survival. 

Setting itself up as a mano-a-apeo between the two leads, War For the Planet of the Apes co-stars Steve Zahn, Terry Notary, Karin Konoval and Amiah Miller, War For The Planet Of The Apes arrives on 14 July. 

War for the Planet of the Apes
A third installment of the Planet of the Apes franchise.
Release Dates
24 Oct 2017-VOD
27 Nov 2017-DVD
11 Jul 2017-Cinema
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