The Fall Part 2: Unbound Release Date Delayed Into February 2018

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Over The Moon has announced that The Fall Part 2: Unbound will be held back a while until February 2018, despite the game being "essentially done".

What could have caused this decision? It's those pesky big-budgeted 'AAA titles' that will hog the months of October, November and December. They're holding off until early next year to avoid "commercial suicide", explains CEO John Warner.

The Fall explores themes of artificial intelligence, identity and dealing with other beings in this 'Metroidvania meets point and click adventure'. We control A.R.I.D. an abandoned and broken AI struggling to survive the collapse of her operating parameters. A.R.I.D. must move quickly to rebuild those parameters and even form her own rules before she's destroyed completely.

“We are really excited about our new project and we want to thank all of our fans for their continued patience. The team at Over The Moon have poured their hearts and souls into making sure that everything in The Fall Part 2: Unbound is there for a reason,” said John Warner, CEO of Over The Moon, “With The Fall Part 2: Unbound, our goal is to give players a deeper level of gameplay and story integration than they have ever seen before. We want this game to shock you, excite you, make you laugh, thematically challenge you and put you in situations you have never been in before. It’s our highest goal that video games can change people for the better, and The Fall part 2: Unbound is as rich with interesting ideas as it is fun to play.”

The Fall Part 2: Unbound releases on PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Switch February 2018.

The Fall Part 2: Unbound
After the unhinging events of part 1, ARID’s very existence is threatened when she is ejected from her body and proje...
Release Dates
13 Feb 2018-Switch
13 Feb 2018-PS4
13 Feb 2018-Xbox One
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