Comic Con: Kong: Skull Island Footage Stomps In 

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What with all the focus on DC and their slate of superhero smash ‘em ups, let’s travel further afield, say, to an uncharted island home to an absolutely mas-hoo-sive ape who was once a king. 

That’s right, Kong: Skull Island made its debut at this year’s San Diego Comic Con and although the ape himself is relegated to a brief appearance, makes an indelible impression. 

We do however get a lot of looks at the cast which includes Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, and Samuel L. Jackson. 

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Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, the '70s-set film finds an expedition headed to the mysterious island, where the explorers encounter some very, very strange creatures – and despite Jackson’s cry that they’ll show those pre-historic, primordial creatures that ‘man is king’ it looks like the beasts have the upper hand. 

The trailer is bags of fun and judging by the size of that skull, Kong is going to be an impressive height – we can’t wait for this ape to face down against Godzilla. 

Kong: Skull Island will be out in the UK on March 10 next year. 

Kong: Skull Island
A team of explorers venture into the mysterious, creature-laden isle that is also the home of the king of the apes.
Release Dates
24 Jul 2017-DVD
18 Jul 2017-Blu-ray
9 Mar 2017-Cinema
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