Dark Rose Valkyrie Announced

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Damn meteorites are bringing space plagues down to Earth in Dark Rose Valkyrie from IDEA Factory and Compile Heart, coming to PlayStation 4 in Spring 2017.

In this alternate history of 1929 the biggest challenge aren't rumblings in Europe but the spread of the Chimera Virus that turns normal people into inhumane creatures. Japan's response is to close off the nation and try to stop the pandemic.

A covert military agency named ACID is formed and special unit known as Special Force Valkyrie is established to combat this menace. The fighting will be all real-time in this action RPG which has Tales of scenario writer Takumi Miyajima and Tales of character designer Kosuke Fujishima behind it. If fighting a deadly virus wasn't bad enough there's even a back-stabbing traitor amidst your group that you'll need to root out and deal with through a visual novel style investigation.

Dark Rose Valkyrie releases on PlayStation 4 in Spring 2017.

Dark Rose Valkyrie
This real-time combat and action RPG from Tales of writer Takumi Miyajima and character designer Kosuke Fujishima exp...
Release Dates
6 Jun 2017-PS4
10 Apr 2018-PC
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