Flight Of The Navigator 'Remake Underway'

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There's a real effort to remake the original kids sci-fi classic Flight of the Navigator with The Henson Company producing on behalf of Lionsgate.

The original was about a young 12-year-old boy that disappeared in 1978 before appearing back in 1986. Many are baffled by his sudden return especially since he hasn't aged a day despite eight years passing by for the world and his family.

NASA and the US government believe there's a connection between the boy and a crashed UFO. It turns out the boy was swept up in a galactic adventure and has now been returned, joined by a spaceship inhabited by a quirky alien that calls him the Navigator. He struggles to understand exactly what happens and how to get back to his own time.

Disney has tried before to reboot the Flight of the Navigator but it came to nothing. Now The Henson Company has taken on the task for Lionsgate and everything appears to be moving along with Lucifer showrunner Joe Henderson penning the script. It's unclear how close to the original this remake will be or when it will be scheduled for release at cinemas.

Flight of the Navigator
A child returns after disappearing for over a decade - and the world has aged without him.
Release Dates
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