Far Cry 5 Release Date Announced February 2018

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Ubisoft has finally posted their official announcement trailer for Far Cry 5, confirmed its setting and given us a date for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Far Cry 5 is set in the modern day United States where a a religious cult is pushing their brand of crazy on the local populace, through volunteers and by force. It's the first time the series has been set in the US  and it supports an entirely solo or co-op experience from beginning to end.

"Discover the world of Hope County, this idyllic place home to a community of freedom-loving people and a fanatical doomsday cult which has been quietly infiltrating every aspect of daily life."

We play as a new junior deputy of the fictional Hope County, Montana, and our arrival coincides with a silent-coup being launched by a doomsday cult, the Project at Eden's Gate, which ignites the whole county. There's still time to act and throw a wrench into the works by disrupting their plans and shoring up resistance amongst the people as we get caught in the power struggle.

Ubisoft are including a bit of Far Cry Primal with a new 'Fangs for Hire' feature that lets you use "specialized animals like bears and cougars to complement players’ playstyles whether they’re going instealthily or forcefully." For the first time they are also including aerial dogfights in the skies above Hope County. A number of character vignettes have also been released to introduce the Far Cry 5 cast.

Far Cry 5 releases on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 February 27th, 2018.

Far Cry 5
Welcome to Hope County, Montana, home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as Eden’s Gate. Stand up to cult leader Jose...
Release Dates
27 Mar 2018-Xbox One
27 Mar 2018-PC
27 Mar 2018-PS4
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