Hello Games' "Best Guess" For No Man's Sky's PC Launch Is "6pm GMT On Friday"

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Hello Games is very busy as they continue to work on the delayed PC version of No Man's Sky now that the ambitious galaxy-trekking adventure is releasing this week.

When they're not giving interviews on US talk shows or with Playboy magazine, Hello is making video games. No really, they are. Right now the PC community is waiting just a bit longer than their PlayStation 4 counterparts for No Man's Sky.

"The reality is that we're still here working on it right now. There's no conspiracy, we're just racing to get all the extra options and stuff we want," revealed creator Sean Murray in a Reddit AMA.

"PS4 comes out tomorrow and we'll just try to pretend it's a normal work day! Best guess right now is 6pm GMT on Friday, but we'll keep you up to date as we get closer."

Murray also talked about his admittedly "weird game" that's likely 'not for everyone' and also came to the conclusion he's probably not article material for Playboy.

"I'll tell you a funny story about PC," he continued. "I was here late yesterday, and I had to take a break and do an interview with Playboy (!) - and the guy was like 'what are you working on when you go back downstairs?' and I was like 'compatibility for ATI opengl drivers', and he said 'ummm.... could you make something up. That sounds pretty nerdy'. I always knew I wasn't Playboy article material."

No Man's Sky releases on PlayStation 4 today and tomorrow, and on PC this Friday.

No Man's Sky
Explore the galaxy at your leisure. No Man's Sky is one of the most anticipated, and most ambitious games in years. A...
Release Dates
24 Jul 2018-Xbox One
10 Nov 2020-Xbox Series X
9 Aug 2016-PS4
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